I have had a wondefully floaty summer, hanging out with my love, playing endless games of tennis and basketball, cooking many delicious meals to enjoy in our garden during the brief sunny spells, cycling in France and camping in Cornwall - what an absolutely indulgent time! But now the summer is drawing to a close and I have that wonderful sense of a new term coming. I begin my teacher training in a couple of weeks, and having had the luxury of all this time off, am completely refreshed and ready to go - I can't wait!
I had my first morning in the library yesterday, and then treated myself to a brand new lever-arch file and some narrow-ruled A4 paper - oh it is lovely! There is nothing better than passing the time sorting out nice stationary, labelling books and collecting together my favourite pens - all this gives me the secure feeling that the work load will be manageable and ordered..... I don't think I want to consider an alternative right now-I am enjoying this moment too much!
Our last treat before this next adventure begins, on our way back from camping near the boy's childhood home in Cornwall, was a DELICIOUS lunch at the field kitchen at Riverford Organics. As J is a chef, and I am surrounded by foodies in my family life, we both have great interest in production and preparation of food. Riverford had been recommended by my ma, who works for a similar company in Oxfordshire, and the occasion fully lived up to our expectations. The format is simple, turn up and be fed whatever they have in season at large refectory tables in the architecturally impressive kitchen, which sits in the hllls just north of Totnes in Devon. We ate an absolute feast of wild salmon with puy lentils, roasted fennel gratin, baked carrots with beetroot, spinach and sweetcorn with chilli, new potatoes which tasted as though they had been dug from the ground that morning (which they probably had).....the list went on and on and on... all was washed down with Luscombe's Hot Ginger Beer - and followed by the stickiest sticky toffee pudding that I have ever had! AMAZING! Happy Days!
A xx