Teaching is a monopolising occupation, which I knew in theory before I started, but I know in actuality now... I love it, I do, and I am so thrilled that I am on a path which, without a doubt, is creative, productive and meaningful. What I didn't stop to consider however is the utter exhaustion that I would feel most evenings and weekends, and how term time doesn't allow you to recover fully from anything that is thrown at you at school.

Now, however, I am slowly recovering. I have come up for air, and have begun to recuperate. But I have lost track of the projects which I had started, the dreams that I had set in motion and the light of all the creativity which I had discovered in my home life... thee are two weeks before I go back to school and I am determined to find it all again. I have just picked up my knitting needles to cast on with the wool that my love gave to me for valentines day (yes, he knows me well) and so hope that two weeks will allow me to find my way again. I then need to expand this little blog to my next project... Which will become clear in time, and finally to take stock, look forward to the Easter weekend and relaaaax....

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