Tuesday, 16 March 2010


It's a pun, isn't it? Blogroll?

Because I have only associated it with the American blogs that I read and relish, I hadn't really seen the Very British Pun. Perhaps it is my imagination... please enlighten me.

In anycase, it has now become habitual for me to drink my tea and browse some blogs, meandering through my links to their links and beyond. Sometimes nothing much emerges, but occasionally something really good does. Today, via Katy Elliot, based in Maine, I stumbled upon Ben Pentreath who, funnily enough, is based in London. Found 'in a tiny Victorian shopfront' in Bloomsbury, Ben and his partner Bridie Hall, stock a delicious combination of prints, china, linen and furniture, which appeal to the senses and sensibilities of, well, me. Fortunately, they also have a blog, which is, as you see, another sheet of my blogroll.

In anycase. I have another project to add to the list, and a quick one at that. I found this tool carrier in an old shed the other day - under a pile of nails and old shopping baskets, it was on its way to the skip - but I thought it too good to loose. It is now my glass/plant/paintbrush holder - or will be, once I have scrubbed the grime off it.

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