Wednesday, 21 April 2010

And mine looks like this...

My creative friend at Hearthwhich has been pondering the benefits of creative spaces this week. This is mine - or rather - it is the most frequently used of mine. I have the bonus of a little outhouse which attempts to be (when it is warm enough) a little studio, but for these cooler months, I have been spending my hours at this desk... and at the dining room table... and on the floor in front of the fire, atempting to complete projects. The wonderful irony is that I found a drawing the other day of my 'ideal workspace' - a little intention that I set last year, whilst battling to find a suitable workspace for my PGCE work. It is nearly identical - how blessed I have been to have found where I am. Add to that synchronicity the fact that I found the desk under a pile of books at the same garage sale as the dining chairs, and that it fits so perfectly into the alcove I had for it...well... it was meant to be.

Blessings abound in my life at the moment. I am reading another of Gill Edwards' books, which is helping me to appreciate just how much abundance there is. I am finding it particularly important on a week like this, when I am struggling to get used to being back at school, and still struggling to find myself living alone. A good and healthy move no doubt, but not without its challenging moments. To be thankful though, is all.

::This week I am thankful for::
The sun shining through the skylights in the morning
The goodnatured children at school
The engagement of my wonderful sister and her wonderful Dan
The space to begin my vegetable patch
The hands that came to help
The nourishing books that I have to read


guddlefish said...

What a lovely space :) And congrats on your sister's engagement too. See you on June 1st.

Amy said...

I have nominated you for an award on my page...
